Reaching one heart...Two lives in CityLocation Name: Lewis Center Location Unique ID: 1
Women in difficult situations need a place to turn. Our desire is to be here with the information she needs and a listening ear.
Each client that walks through our doors has their own story. They may be facing an unplanned pregnancy and getting pressure from friends, family and partner to have an abortion. They may be worried about STDs and need someone to help them understand how the choices they make today affect their future. They may be struggling with the lingering effects of a past abortion.
*Marie's Story:
Many months before we actually opened, Marie* came with a lady from the community who had learned about our soon to be offered services. Marie’s family was threatening to “throw her out” if she continued with this pregnancy, so she felt abortion was her only option. After some time spent with Marie,* she decided to continue with her pregnancy. Recently Marie* brought her little boy to the office and we were able to hold the “first fruits” of this ministry.