Our Home and Mission Field

My HomeIMMOKALEE means "my home" in the Seminole language.

Immokalee Pregnancy Ctr. is located in Immokalee, FL about 30 miles from the Gulf of Mexico. It has been called America's bread basket as most winter vegetables and citrus are grown in and around Immokalee.

Our clients are primarily Hispanic and Haitian. Almost 75% of Immokalee speaks Spanish as a first language. Haitian residents make up about 20% of the population. It is a community rich in ethnic culture but also quite poor especially compared to the rest of SW Florida. The median income here is just over $10,000 per year. And while most folks struggle to make a living, they are kind, friendly, and appreciative of the generosity of their neighbors.

We invite you to visit us and see for yourselves - what God, and people of good will are doing here. Please contact us anytime! We look forward to hearing from you. Call Diane at 239-324-9334 to schedule a visit and a tour of our office.